He has risen ...... halleluia!
Umm, yes it's Easter Sunday and today we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ ....
but I'm referring to
"Amarillas" above. If you read last years posts I told how I put this healthy looking fellow into a pantry and forgot about him (after he had bloomed at Christmas and the flower and flags all died away).... until one day I opened the pantry and it appeared as if a pale green stalky monster was trying to get out! Seems we all - including healthy Amarillas (sp?) - search for the light until we find it. And I'm sure if I hadn't opened the pantry that day "he" would have creeped out through the cracks in the pantry door.
So after blooming this past Christmas I decided against putting him in the pantry, so I left him on the windowsill in the living room. His flags didn't droop or wilt but the flowers faded and died away. But the flags were an attractive backdrop to the geraniums that bloom all year long in the front room window.
Very little water and barely noticed amongst the splendid geraniums,
and Snickers, my cat hiding in the geraniums,
Amar - I shortened his name - soon did what all bulby plants do:
he decided it was spring (even though you can plainly see snow drifts outside the window)
and a long green stalk emerged
and at the top of the stalk you could plainly see clumps of what promised to be
his flowers.
Note: Snickers keeps watch in his own personal geranium "jungle". Can you see him peering out at you .... ready to stalk
but wait, I digress. That's another story.
Oops ... I was wrong about the snow outside the window. It had snowed that night but I took the picture later in the afternoon - snow melted!
Amar could very easily become my favored plant (yes, even over my beloved geraniums!).
"Amar" blooms at Christmas,
in time to celebrate the birth of my Saviour, Jesus Christ.
And then,
after dying off,
he comes alive again just in time for Easter.
Thanks God
for beautiful flowers,
for melted snow,
my cat, Snickers,
and a reminder that we all leave our
beauty behind
but can be born again in You.
Feb. 27, 2012 I unplugged my television
and computer and went on a 40 day "fast",
kind of like giving them up for Lent.
My next post I will describe what an amazing,
fulfilling, dramatic and uplifting experience that was.