Three out of many benefits to growing your own veggies and tending flowers in your garden .... or someone else's garden.
First and foremost article of garden garb would be comfy, though worn and torn, garden shoes.
A cap to shield the rays, long sleeve shirt and comfy jeans ... camera at hand at all times to chronicle garden progress from dirt pile to a haven for butterflies,
bees, and birds.
There will be invaders in your garden ... stinging and slithery creatures bent on taking their share out of the garden's produce, flowers, plants and shrubs .... AND A NIP OR TWO OUT OF YOU!
Yellow jacket traps and
Lawson Family Flower and Vegetable Gardens have never been poisoned by insecticides or pesticides.
Drum rolllllllll !!! The results are serenity
and beauty ...
and my first ever
delicious, delectable and
darling little artichoke!
Clouds ... rain ... rainbows ... sunshine -
God's participation.