
Saturday, November 2, 2019

                         LEAFY LIMBS OF FORTRESSES
                                         Of Squirrels
                                   JIBBERISH WITH INTENT

Scampering 'cross a leafy cloak 
of downy moss,
a captive audience in delight, while stashing, storing nuts of gold.

'Twas mapped out three steps, 
past a fourth,
then down a dewy treadmill lay,
a knapsack torn askew, asunder
'neath pitty-patty paws in clay. 

And dusty hues of brownish fluff, their tails did signal one to another, "A feast, a feast from farmer's stash - he will not notice stores a'plundered."

A stronghold lest the winter siege would lay them numberless and dead, a fortress riveting skyward blessed, with chattering and jibbernishness.

 Winter time, all tucked in close, lest cold and frost would numb their toes, a'waiting springtime's scampering thaw,
 they bid a cozy sleep to one and all. 

                      LEAFY LIMBS OF FORTRESSES 
                                       Of Robins
                               JIBBERISH WITH INTENT

T'ward  skyward lay in downy nest,
inside the leafy fortress lay,
and hidden neath a bark-formed bed ,   
three feathered infants have their rest.

"Awaken," chirped a plea came forth, a mother Robin begged and  warned,  "still wiggling, squirming worms fresh dug, for all of you  and some for me."

 Three chirping, cheeping, peeping babes
awakened in the light anew, 
their manners leaving much askew
while gobbling down their tasty food.