
Tuesday, November 27, 2018

                     "HUSH LITTLE BABY DON'T YOU CRY .....
                                         MOMMA'S GONNA SING YOU A LULLABY"

                                            A TRUE, LIVE NATIVITY STORY....
Once upon a time, not too long ago ..... 
perhaps it was a long time ago, now that I think about it ....
while sorting through ornaments, holly and wrapping paper, angels and saved Christmas cards,
I remembered a Christmas Pageant celebrated in a picturesque country church in rural Oregon... and how one tiny newborn baby boy showed cold hearts the true meaning of Christmas.
            Pastor's Wife called the meeting to order. "We have to get one important matter settled quickly." she said, peering over the top of spoon shaped glasses at the end of her nose. Her high soprano singing voice served her well to project the seriousness of last minute details for the upcoming Christmas Pageant.
           "The angels and shepherds, Mary and Joseph, Wise Men and Narrator have all volunteered," she nodded to her pastor husband when she said Narrator. "With a few exceptions, they are the same volunteers we had last year ." 
        "But we don't have a baby the right age for Baby Jesus," one woman noted, rising from her seat on the hard wooden pew, a deep scowl etched across on her forehead. "And last year's Jesus is too big, and there's no new ...."
       "Oh yes, there is a new baby!" a middle aged woman interrupted, leaning forward and rising from her seat. "My Grandson is just one month old ... perfect age to be baby Jesus." She sat back down and glanced around.
       A hush fell over the gathering. Throats cleared, wiggling in seats throughout the audience made it obvious no one was going to immediately second the motion.
      Pastor's wife clapped her hands delightedly. Approvingly, she said, "Of course ... he would be perfect!" She raised her hand and said, "I motion that this baby boy will be our infant Jesus in the Christmas Pageant."A number of heads bobbled in agreement ... a few hands went up, but a few hands clasped tighter in laps.        
      The woman who noted there was no baby to be the infant Jesus in the Nativity scene stood up, the furrows in her brow deepened. She turned around, facing the Grandmother who suggested her newborn Grandson be baby Jesus. A hush fell over the gathering.
     "Nothing personal ...." the woman said, gazing intently at the Grandmother. "But under the circumstances of his birth ..... it would not be appropriate he be our Christ Child!" The woman seated beside her nodded her head in stern agreement.
     All eyes turned to Pastor's Wife. She pulled herself up straight and tall, all 4 feet 11 inches, squiggled her shoulders, adjusted her glasses, and declared, "This child is perfect to be Baby Jesus in our Christmas Pageant." And when Pastor's Wife made up her mind about something it was settled.
        Last minute details were made during the week prior to the Nativity Pageant; rehearsals and touching up scenery; costumes lengthened to fit taller angels and shepherds; adjustments made for the Wise Men's costumes who had grown pudgier since last year's pageant. 
       Final dress rehearsal the night before the Christmas Play and all participants were present. Scenery, newly refurbished and in place, as Pastor's Wife stood before the Angels, Wise Men, Shepherds, and Mary and Joseph .
      "Remember," she said, "to stand very still behind the sheets in your spot on stage,and don't  speak, wiggle, cough, laugh or sneeze. You won't be seen except as silhouettes as Pastor reads the story about the birth of Jesus."
      Everyone nodded .... even the tiniest Angel holding the tallest Angel's hand.
      "Now let's have one last rehearsal," Pastor's Wife said.
     The Nativity participants stood very still while lights dimmed and shifted from one scene to the next. In a strong, clear voice Pastor read the story of Jesus' birth. When it came time in the story for Joseph, Mary and Jesus to be silhouetted with the Angels and Shepherds, Wise Men around them, the tallest Angel asked, "But where is Baby Jesus?'
     Pastor's Wife answered, smiling, "Oh, he's at home with his mommy. Probably sound asleep in her arms. He doesn't need to be here tonight for the rehearsal."
      As the audience filed in, during the last moments before the Pageant was to begin, Baby Boy's Mother was in the foyer alcove nursing him, in preparation for his few minutes of being held in 'Mary's' arms. Baby Boy's Mother changed his diaper, wiped the last bit of milk from his tiny chin, and adjusted his baby jammies which would soon be covered in swaddling clothes.
     Lights  dimmed, a hush fell over the audience. The Christmas Pageant was about to begin. All seats in the old church were filled. Candles shone atop the upright piano. Warm winter coats and mittens, scarves were shed and laid across laps and draped over the backs of the pews. Expectantly, the audience waited.
     A spotlight shone on Pastor as he read in a strong, clear voice, "In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire world, (this was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child."
     Spotlight dimmed. Hustle and bustle was heard to change to the next scene. The spotlight shone on the silhouetted figures of Mary and Joseph standing over an empty cradle. Mary was seated and Joseph stood alongside Mary, head gazing down at the empty cradle. There was no room for them at the inn, so they found shelter in a stable. Spotlight faded.
      Spotlight on once more, shifting to motionless silhouettes of Angels and Shepherds along with plastic sheep, while Pastor's Wife played softly on the upright piano, and Pastor read, "And there were Shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An Angel appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the  Angel said to them ....." The tallest Angel's wings spanning widely behind her, flinched ever so slightly as her right wing began to droop. She reached up to grab it  .... but it fell to the stage. 
     "Stand still," a soft voice was heard in the background, "It's okay ...   don't pick it up."
     Pastor continued, "... but the Angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you; You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Suddenly a great company of heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests." 
     Pastor's Wife played "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" as the audience joined in. The silhouetted littlest Angel and Shepherds squirmed ever so slightly, but held as still as any little Angels or Shepherds could.
     Pastor continued reading, "When the Angels left the and gone into Heaven, (the spotlight left the Angels and shone on the Shepherds) the Shepherds said to one another, 'Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about."
     All this time, Baby Boy's Mother and Grandmother were listening carefully for their cue to bring Baby Jesus to the Manger Scene. "That's your cue," whispered Grandmother. Baby Boy's Mother slipped out of the foyer carrying him and dashed alongside the darkened side wall of the church. Once on stage, obscured by the dim lighting, Baby Boy's Mother passed him to 'Mary' and  stepped out of sight. Mary sat still in her place with the sleeping baby in her arms.
     The spotlight shined brightly onto Mary and Joseph, with Baby Jesus cuddled close to Mary's chest. Three small Shepherds stood motionless beside the family. as Pastor read, "So the Shepherds hurried and found Mary and Joseph, and the Baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the Shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart ..... " Pastor continued reading as the spotlight now shone on three Wise Men standing beside the Baby's manger bed. 
     A soft gasp came from the once still audience ..... Baby Boy Jesus began to wiggle. He cood and squirmed. He poked his little fist into the air and brought it back down to his mouth. Soft, lovely baby sucking sounds could be heard.
     In the audience, fourth pew from the front, and in front of Baby Boy's Mother and Grandmother, was the one woman and her friend who had voted against this child portraying Baby Jesus in the annual Christmas Pageant.  But now they were sniffling and smiling, passing tissues to each other, dabbing at their eyes. This very special Baby Boy brought to life for them the Christ Child's peace and love, acceptance and forgiveness to the world ... and most importantly, to once cold hearts in this small country church.
     "Oh look," one of the women said, nudging her friend and pointing toward the stage. Mary could be seen silhouetted, lifting Baby Boy Jesus closer to her face while he made soft sounds that babies make when they're content. And just then, Mary slowly, gently rocked back and forth as Mothers do when comforting a baby. And he was quiet.
     The church lights blinked on, chasing away dark shadows in the recesses of the old church. The audience clapped and Pastor's Wife swept her hand toward the stage. Angels bowed, sending one halo falling to the stage. Big Angel lifted her wing and cradled it toward her. Mary and Joseph beamed while Jesus sucked on his fist. One Little Shepherd picked up the plastic sheep, and a pudgy Wise Man tugged at his robe. Clapping resounded throughout the church. Mommies and Daddies waved at their little Angels and Shepherds.
     Pastor's Wife sat down once again at the piano and began to play and sing, "Silent Night, Holy Night, all is calm, all is bright ....." 
     And Baby Boy's Mother, singing along in her beautiful voice, pondered all these things in her heart.
     May this Christmas Season bring you Joy, Peace and Love as happened when the first Christmas Babe came into the world.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

                         FALL IS IN THE AIR

                                              Fall is in the air ... temperature is dipping,
                leaves are bright and crinkly .... Jack Frost isn't far off. 

 "Oh no," said Little Girl at the Gate. "But the  rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks haven't collected enough acorns for winter feasting."
"Don't worry about me! My den is cozy and warm and full of nourishing veggies, fruit and berries I've collected from the Big Garden and Flower Garden. I'm ready for a nice quiet rest, snug and warm in my hidden nest."

Tom Turtle is not worried about Jack Frost nipping at his nose..... "My nose will be nice and warm inside my shell," he assured Little Girl at the Gate. 
"But where will you hibernate when frost and freeze coat our Flower Garden?" she asked Fred and Frieda Frog.
"Right here in our hiding place...unknown by all."  croaked Fred. "But a secret well kept by Frogs and their kin since time began," added Frieda.

"Tige," Buster Brown announced loudly to his faithful companion, "We will leave our Flower Garden soon .... and where do you think the Master Gardener will place us for the long, cold winter?"

Tige didn't answer, only looked up at Buster Brown ... and would have wagged his tiny tail if it hadn't gotten broken off when the Gardener dropped them. Buster Brown glanced around the Flower Garden, at the bench where Black Cat once sat ... (now indoors to fix a foot that got chipped when Chicken Henny Penny hopped onto the bench and knocked Black Cat onto the ground.) and noticed so many flowers were still bright and beautiful.

"The deer will be here soon," Buster Brown told the others in the Flower Garden. "They will fill their tummies with red and orange, yellow and pink flowers that Master Gardener took such good care of."

 "I remember Master Gardener  ... sitting right behind me by the Amaranth and Gladiolas ..  she was singing a song ... 'Consider the lilies they toil not nor spin ...they bask in God's sunshine ..they drink in God's rain ....' Little Girl at the Gate hesitated ... "ummm, I'm  not sure of the rest because she spoke it in a soft whisper .... like in a prayer. But I did hear her say how well cared for are the birds of the air and all God's creatures." 

And just then, Master Gardener walked through the Flower Garden with her clippers, and basket, and digging tools .. speaking softly to each plant as she clipped and pruned, dug up and tended to plants ready to become compost and mulch for next year's Flower Garden. And as she passed through the garden, she glanced at Carnation, a small tear formed, but did not drop onto her cheek ..  Carnation was a gift ... her daughter's favorite flower. And it brought Master Gardener much joy to see it was still bright and beautiful.

 "I'm going to bring you indoors," she said. "As soon as a place for you is made ready inside my cozy little house."

That said, Master Gardener watered Carnation, pulled off the flowers that had faded, and continued pruning and trimming the remaining bushes and plants nearby, ensuring they would come awake again next spring with beauty anew. 

And so the circle of life in Flower Garden continues ... cared for .. nurtured ... pruned and protected ... awaiting the dawn of spring and new life. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

                  TASTES AS SWEET! 
 Foraging in your garden to gather produce for an authentic summer sandwich you start with proper footwear .... long pants and Garden Boots to protect your feet and legs from marauding yellow jackets and wasps. Thanks for the boots Melissa!

 Long sleeve shirt and hat to keep the UV's from making cracks in you face.
I start foraging in my "Garden Nursery" and gather chard sprouting from two pots alongside squash, salvia, spinach and sweet peas. I could go out to the Big Garden for fresh lettuce .. but chard will do nicely.

 Fresh zucchini makes a delicious substitute for cucumbers ... cold cold and sliced ultra thin.

 My next stop is at the raised bed containing Amaranth, gladiolas, carnations and decorative grass. Picking red/green leaves and some flowers off the tallest Amaranth plant will help the smaller leaves at the bottom grow.
 Nasturtiums ... I call them Nasty Urtiums! But the name "nasty" doesn't suit them! They are delicous with a slight tang of horse radish ... ever so slight. Picking small tender nasturtium leaves and a handful of yellow and orange flowers will give pizazz to the sandwich ... being careful to avoid grabbing buzzing yellow jackets that also like the water droplets cupped inside the leaves and flowers.

 Now you construct your sandwich with slices of any favorite cheese, mayo on sour dough bread, sliced onions, and the garden ingredients ......and a pot of camomile tea steeping nearby. 
(Yes .. that's duct tape wrapped 
 around the handle of my Old Hickory knife!)

Now isn't this the sweetest sandwich ... worthy of serving to company or kicking back in my Prayer Chair for a wholesome, fresh picked, all natural lunch ... food the way God made it - no pesticides or harmful chemicals on the produce in our garden!
                                 Genesis 2:15 Then God took the man and put him in the garden
                                        of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.
And by the sweat of our brow ... plenty of water and thinning/deadheading the plants in our garden - 
flowers and edibles - we are guaranteed wholesome and delicious salads and fresh produce throughout the rest of summer.
                             Enjoy the remaining lazy days of summer, 2018.

                                                          Vicki Rose Williams
                                          1957 - 2018

 I love paths.
Wide swaths, or narrow pathways of dirt or gravel ..... 

Or a stroll through a forest path, etched by foot traffic.

 A bench to rest upon on the way ....
 Destination ... daughter's house for coffee and Jesus meeting us to start the day.
                                       Over the meadow and through 
                                       the woods to Vicki's house I go ...
 The well worn path is now being given back to the forest ....

 the bench now sits empty, most of the time ..

A new path takes its place .... past the red barn and hammock ..

The new trail ....
Jack leading the way as he once did for Vicki
in the evenings when she walked the old path from my house to hers ... her guardian on the walk home.

On the new path, Jack is alert  .... a bear passed this way recently and left a tell-tale sign on the freshly stomped down dirt and pine needles leading to a recently cleared meadow .... and a new bench to rest upon. 
Vicki's bench, carved, sanded and protected from the elements by loving friends, sits between two raised flower beds. In spite of deer nibbling, carnations struggle to bloom .. Vicki's favorite flower. Forest flowers add to the beauty of late summer blooming

 Water ... pull weeds and pass my hand over the scripture on the bench.
"And you will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring where waters never fail." Isaiah 58:11

And if I sit a spell ... close my eyes while opening my heart, I can hear Vicki say, "Hi Momma! Come sit .... Jesus will ease your sadness for I'm not here.. but with Him!"
 Some paths last but a short season ...
                       others lead to unexpected destinations ...
while our final path will lead to a Garden ... unimaginably beautiful that will never be untended or lack beauty. 
The Master Gardener will be there to greet us ... as will Vicki.


Saturday, June 16, 2018


     "Who do I see hiding in my garden?" asked the Gardener with a huge moth sitting on top of his hat.

"It's me.... White Rabbit.  And I am not hiding. I'm resting in this old stump."

                           "Do you intend to eat my flowers?"
"No. I am only resting. I followed Alice here  ... but she seems to have gotten lost ... or it is me that is lost?"
                        "I will be happy to help you search my garden 
                             for Alice ...
                             that is ...if you need my help."  
"That is very kind of you. Let's go .. lead the way."
                          "We can stop along our search and ask the 
            Whimsical Garden Friends if they have seen                           Alice."

                           "Hello Happy Tea Pot and Bird Bath. 
                           Have you seen White Rabbit's friend Alice?"
"Not me ....  Happy Little Tea Pots of water don't notice anything but  birds and bugs and butterflies when they come to drink. Why don't you ask Bird Bath."
                                "Bird Bath ... have you see Alice?"
"Swish ..swish ... I wish ... I only meet birds when they come to splash splash splash."  

"Hello Turtle. Have you seen Alice?" 

 "Noooo .... I don't ... think so. But .... after I climb down from ... this rock ... I will watch....for herrrr...."

                         "Hello Rainbow Fan. Have you seen Alice?
"WHIRRRR  whirrrr  whirrrrr .... Whoooooo? I don't know Alice. But I will whiiiiiistle whhhhhhen she whhhhhizzes by."

                              "Hello Fred and Frieda Frog. 
                                Has Alice passed by your rock?"
"Nope! ribbit ribbit ... Nope! We will croak very loud if we see an Alice hopping by."
                                          "Hello Blue Birds. Have you seen Alice?"
"If she flew by...... Then we may have ...... seen her. We did see a beautiful butterfly ......"

                            "Hello Buster Brown and Tige. Have you
                             seen White Rabbit's friend Alice?" 
"No. Perhaps you should ask Black Cat and Garden Angel."

                                      "Hello Black Cat and Garden Angel.
                         We are looking for Alice. Have you 
                             seen Alice?"
"YES!" said Black Cat. "She lived nearby on that bush ... in her cocoon. I saw her shed her cocoon ... wave her beautiful new wings.Then said she had to leave ... had to go to another garden far away."
"Yes!" said Garden Angel. "I saw her shed the cocoon and fluff her wings ... and she flew away."

 "Hello ...Hello!" called out Little Girl at Gate.  "I visited Alice for just a short time after she was a beautiful butterfly.We quickly became best friends. I asked her what garden she was going to fly to. She said .... she was going to the most beautiful garden imaginable! And she would never need another garden. She said she will miss all of her friends in this garden ... but she will see us all when we join her in the Beautiful Garden."
And ... I left White Rabbit to continue on his journey.
My friend Giant Moth flew off my hat to continue his flight from flower to flower sipping nectar
And I continued tending the garden ...occasionally looking up when a Beautiful Butterfly flew by. And one day ..... I hope I see Alice in her new Garden. 
 This Garden is dedicated to all beautiful butterflies who have shed their cocoons and flew into the arms of the Master Gardener.

                                   Vicki Rose Williams 
                                      1957 - 2018