Foraging in your garden to gather produce for an authentic summer sandwich you start with proper footwear .... long pants and Garden Boots to protect your feet and legs from marauding yellow jackets and wasps. Thanks for the boots Melissa!
Long sleeve shirt and hat to keep the UV's from making cracks in you face.
I start foraging in my "Garden Nursery" and gather chard sprouting from two pots alongside squash, salvia, spinach and sweet peas. I could go out to the Big Garden for fresh lettuce .. but chard will do nicely.
Fresh zucchini makes a delicious substitute for cucumbers ... cold cold and sliced ultra thin.
My next stop is at the raised bed containing Amaranth, gladiolas, carnations and decorative grass. Picking red/green leaves and some flowers off the tallest Amaranth plant will help the smaller leaves at the bottom grow.
Nasturtiums ... I call them Nasty Urtiums! But the name "nasty" doesn't suit them! They are delicous with a slight tang of horse radish ... ever so slight. Picking small tender nasturtium leaves and a handful of yellow and orange flowers will give pizazz to the sandwich ... being careful to avoid grabbing buzzing yellow jackets that also like the water droplets cupped inside the leaves and flowers.
Now you construct your sandwich with slices of any favorite cheese, mayo on sour dough bread, sliced onions, and the garden ingredients ......and a pot of camomile tea steeping nearby.
(Yes .. that's duct tape wrapped
around the handle of my Old Hickory knife!)
Now isn't this the sweetest sandwich ... worthy of serving to company or kicking back in my Prayer Chair for a wholesome, fresh picked, all natural lunch ... food the way God made it - no pesticides or harmful chemicals on the produce in our garden!
of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.
And by the sweat of our brow ... plenty of water and thinning/deadheading the plants in our garden -
flowers and edibles - we are guaranteed wholesome and delicious salads and fresh produce throughout the rest of summer.