
Wednesday, November 20, 2019


I'm delighted that the advertisement scheme I've been attending to has finally come full circle. 
                              I see less ads for body function
               and undergarments to conceal unsightly body bulges.

and wigs for the  hair challenged elderly,


                             retirement homes, 

 last will and testament packages for senior citizens and life insurances plans for those of us closer to the pearly gates.
             I delete  the above ads showing up on my                     
                              FACEBOOK  page. 

I look forward to seeing more . . . more  . . . more, many more of these  . . . . . 

 I haven't been bothered with "Senior Citizen Meet and Date" advertisements.

 I'm sure I will delete them also            when or if they  show up.
     But...on the other hand ...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mom's Turkey Gravy Recipe


                                   Once upon a time,
                    a Thanksgiving not too distant past.
                    Seems but a blink and another blink ago.

A half smoked cigarette teetering in the ashtray, but a moment earlier had been dangling from her lips. 

The small glass in her hand containing a tiddly, a beverage to enhance the moment gleefully anticipating.
Betty and Harold stepped in to administer carving expertise while the gravy bubbled on the stove in preparation of the most important ingredient.

Brothers hugged. 

Mom admonished, "Get out of my way! The gravy is about ready."

                  And serenaded .. she needed a little rest before adding the finishing touch to the gravy beginning to bubble on the stove.
 And sisters shared funny stories ...

Say CHEESE .... photo op to remember those we loved who no longer were with us.

                             The moment has arrived.

             OH NOOOO .. she DIDN'T!

Yep. She did.                     
             Although, the sound of cigarette ashes 
            meeting turkey gravy was inaudible ...
for this we have been forever grateful.
It could have been worse!

With heavy hearts ... heavy grateful hearts ... Mom's Ash Gravy recipe has slipped away into the recesses of "When myth met reality" because family members have all quit smoking. Thanksgiving 2019 will come and go without one pot of turkey gravy bubbling on the stove in gleeful anticipation of that final ingredient. And with many sad hearts that she's no longer here to finalize her famous Turkey Ash Gravy.

 Oh Oh Oh .. did I ever tell you about the Christmas card she sent one year? Well, that's another "Myth meets Reality" story of Mom shopping at Walmart in a motorized cart smoking a cigarette!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

                       TURN BACK TIME
                                                                 Nov. 3, 2019
                                       "There is  a time for every purpose under heaven ... "

I delighted in God's word this morning while adjusting my clock back one hour when daylight saving time ended. While making that adjustment, I realized He is my most ardent Facebook friend.

What is the connection between Jesus,  turning my clock back one hour, and my Facebook page? 

At times when I feel alone and don't get the "clicks" on Facebook I expected (unfulfilled expectations) my sense of well being slips - based on outside sources and acknowledgements. 
His Holy Spirit strongly nudges me to turn my sight back to Him ... see my reflection in His eyes and hold onto the promises I have received; I am loved, I have eternal life, health and well- being directing my path to Him. Now that's a friendship that will never leave or forsake me. 
 Click click ... LIKE ... HEART ... and SHARE!
 Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
To Everything There Is a Season
1To everything there is a season,
and a time for every purpose under heaven:
2a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to break down and a time to build,
4a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6a time to search and a time to count as lost,
a time to keep and a time to discard,
7a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

                         LEAFY LIMBS OF FORTRESSES
                                         Of Squirrels
                                   JIBBERISH WITH INTENT

Scampering 'cross a leafy cloak 
of downy moss,
a captive audience in delight, while stashing, storing nuts of gold.

'Twas mapped out three steps, 
past a fourth,
then down a dewy treadmill lay,
a knapsack torn askew, asunder
'neath pitty-patty paws in clay. 

And dusty hues of brownish fluff, their tails did signal one to another, "A feast, a feast from farmer's stash - he will not notice stores a'plundered."

A stronghold lest the winter siege would lay them numberless and dead, a fortress riveting skyward blessed, with chattering and jibbernishness.

 Winter time, all tucked in close, lest cold and frost would numb their toes, a'waiting springtime's scampering thaw,
 they bid a cozy sleep to one and all. 

                      LEAFY LIMBS OF FORTRESSES 
                                       Of Robins
                               JIBBERISH WITH INTENT

T'ward  skyward lay in downy nest,
inside the leafy fortress lay,
and hidden neath a bark-formed bed ,   
three feathered infants have their rest.

"Awaken," chirped a plea came forth, a mother Robin begged and  warned,  "still wiggling, squirming worms fresh dug, for all of you  and some for me."

 Three chirping, cheeping, peeping babes
awakened in the light anew, 
their manners leaving much askew
while gobbling down their tasty food.