October 20, 1956 Our wedding day
(April 27, 2011 Thanks, Karissa, for emailing to me the wedding photo you had colored in)
Soooo much to learn about blogging and browsing to add photos to my Blog.
Equally, there's so much to learn about marriage when you're newlyweds.
The term "They can't see the handwriting on the wall" applies to
newly-weds and newby-bloggers.
How long before I'm not a newby-blogger and can stroll through "how-to-blog" instructions?
Hmm, it would have been nice to have a "newby wife how-to-do" instruction manual.
Note: the writing at the top, sides and bottom of my wedding photo above.
Oops, I didn't remember to put the photo on a clean sheet of paper ....
the scribbled notes were to help remind me where to place a photo on my printer for future scans.
I HATE it when photos are upside down,
topsy turvy,
inside out
and print on the wrong side of the paper!
You get an artistic flash of brilliance,
proposal, idea, or stumble upon a good notion .....
don't need to read the manual or follow instructions .....
don't confuse me with facts or information that might help master this new challenge.
And a bride's new life is a challenge ... from a child at 15 to a bride at 16 1/2.
Now tell me .... WHAT did I know about being a wife? I sure wish I had read the manual!
I found this wedding picture of Eldon and me taken just moments before "The Dad" kidnapped me,
(see previous post in my blog)
I put the photo in my printer to scan and spent the next 2 hours rescanning
so the photo wouldn't be upside down, side ways, or topsy turvy.
Really, two hours!
Not trusting my old memory (it's old but not old-old yet) I jotted the notes on the side for the next time I scanned a photo.
The topsy turvy experience of my Dad "kidnapping" me shortly after the photo above was taken
and eventual chase and "rescue" by Eldon, was NOT the way I had expected to spend my first two hours as Eldon's new bride.
I'm sure that experience wasn't in the "What Brides Need To Guard Against" manual.
Hmm, I think I might write that manual .... adding chapters
"What To Guard Against The First Year"
"What To Guard Against When Your First Kid Is On The Way
and Second, Third, Fourth."
I REALLY hadn't planned on that many children by the time I was 21!
Naw, don't think I'll waste my time writing that manual ....
nobody would follow what to guard against any more than I did.
From newly wed at 16 1/2
to newby blogger-widow at 71...
You've come a long way .... baby!
Oops.... I have to check my printer!
I put the stupid paper in upside down again.
Let me think ... where did I put that instruction paper?
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