The Little Red Hen The Little Old Widder Woman
What did they have in common?
They were alone ...... surrounded by others in their barnyards....... yet alone.
The Little Red Hen had her chicks. Who knows where the Little Red Rooster was?
The Little Red Hen asked her friends to help plant the wheat,
they were all too busy.
So The Little Red Hen did it herself.
When it came time to EAT the bread
all her friend said,
"OOO, ooo, ooo I will, I will!"
The Little Red Hen said,
"Nobody helped me plant or harvest the wheat,
crush it into flour or knead it.
I'll eat it myself ........
me and my chicks."
And so they did.
The Little Old Widder Woman
was also alone.
When there was a chore too
difficult to handle herself,
she realized there were many things
that she COULD do .....
with a little help from others.
The Little Old Widder Woman asked,
"Who will help me pull this wire tightly
around my fruit trees to keep the deer out?"
"We will! We will!"
said the Missionary youth group leaders from Colorado.
And they did.
The Little Old Widder Woman asked,
"And who will help me dig out the weeds ......
and mow the grass
and prepare the strawberry patch for new plants?"
"We will!" said the teen age
Missionaries from Colorado.
"It's what Jesus would do," the Little Old Widder Woman heard one new friend say.
"I love strawberries!" the helper said.
"Me too ........ and so do I!" they said.
"Then you can share in my strawberries and rasberries,"
said the Little Old Widder Woman.
"Oh, I forgot .. ." she added. "You won't be here at
harvest time....you're from Colorado.
Then I'll share with others
in your name!"
And she will.
plant here?" the strong helper asked.
"Perhaps flowers .... I love flowers," said the
Little Old Widder Woman.
fertilizer?" the helper asked.
"Yes ...." the Little Old Widder Woman said.
"I'll ask my other friends to provide
fertilizer for my garden."
And she went to ask her friends
who knew all about fertilizer.
"Come here, Teaser ........
and Little Man.
I need your help, please."
"Okay, we're here ....
how can we help?"
She told them about the teen age Missionaries
from Colorado
helping in her garden.
"And we need fertilizer for the new
strawberry patch ......
do you think you could help?"
"Yes!" they winnied.
And they did.
They ate the weeds..... and tall grass
but not the flowers.
being careful not to step on the flowers"
"Is this enough?" Little Man asked.
"I don't think so ...." said Little Old Widder Woman.
"Okay fine ..... we'll make some more."
And so they did.
And they made enough to fill a wheebarrow full.
She planted a new strawberry patch
24 plants,
and two tomato plants .....
and two acorn squash plants on a little hill with the
bachelor buttons and wild strawberries.
and a hill of cucumbers next to the irises.
"Hmmm .....
what else does my new little garden need?" she wondered.

"God's sunshine and rain ..... and a rainbow!"
she said looking up into the sky.
"And when the clouds are dry
I'll water my garden myself!" said
the Little Old Widder Woman.
And she did.
And I'll get by with a little help from my friends.
And she did ... along with God's grace, peace and joy for a bountiful harvest!
And the harvest will be a blessing
for the Little Old Widder Woman.
The End .......
or just the beginning.
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