
Monday, May 14, 2012


That's silly!
How can one hand clap?
Or without two hands on a clock,
how could you tell time
or catch a fish .....
   or safely steer a "baby motorcycle"  ....

or carry bunches of  logs to stoke up a wood stove ?

You could pet a dog with only one hand ....... but they prefer two
One hand folded over someone else's is warm and comforting

But God gave each of us two hands.
Two is a good number for hands, and eyes, and ears and feet.
Because if you lose one hand,
or eye,
or ear or foot -
which can tragically happen -
there's always a spare.

You can give a high five with only one hand,
 pinch a cheek,
or salute a soldier of higher rank.

But to raise a flag in times of war,

 or build a memorial bench and plaque for a loved one lost,

or light a small flame to keep memories alive,

it takes two brothers

four .......

and sisters more

to keep our families

Have a peaceful, safe Memorial Day
and hug your spouses and children,
grandchildren, friends and parents
and keep the memories alive of those we've lost.


Melissa said...

Such a lovely blog post, Nonna! I love you!

Melissa said...

Such a lovely blog post, Nonna! I love you!