
Saturday, June 15, 2019

What could possibly be keeping Monica so busy? Hmm ...
Thinning the turnip patch. Delicious greens for dinner tonight.
Strawberries and cherry tomatoes almost ripe. And a stroll to chat with the flowers and tell them they are exceedingly beautiful this year.
"The Nursery" .. where I start my garden from seeds. There's only a few left to plant.
Snap peas growing beside my garden bench .. also green beans and cucumbers.
I don't know what the plants are in the large black bucket. I found a bunch of seeds wrapped in a napkin from last year's harvest name on the wrapping.. So I planted them anyway ... surprise! Behind the black bucket of surprise produce are other greens - lettuce and chard - that I pick a few leaves daily as they grow.
Soooo .. now we know what keeps Monica so busy!
to add other photos for this new post.  5/15/19