
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

New Post:  Getting Back On Track
Aug. 1, 2019

A Journey .. begins with a few steps .. down a wooded path, alone or with friends. Destination in sight ... but what happens when you get off track? Take a side path away from the company journeying with you ... off to find the warbling bird in the forest trees ... or follow the fawn that had darted out in front of you. 
The saying, "You can't get there from here" is not true as long as you set your sites on the destination God has indicated ... He is behind you with hands on your back and encouragement ..."I am on this journey with you...." 

I recall taking public transportation for a "destination" when I visited Portland last year with my daughter and 
granddaughter. We did well in making our first connection .. watching as the train sped past stops after stop that weren't ours. Suddenly,my daughter realized we were supposed to have gotten off at the LAST stop to continue our journey . We hastily got off at the next stop, crossed the street to catch the next train going in OUR direction. As long as we're on the right "track" ..if a change needs to be made ... a decisive move in the right direction will continue the journey set before us. As the Holy Spirit prompts by visual and spiritual assistance, we will never miss His route to reach our destination ... it's an adventure, often confronting detours and roundabouts ... but having a clear vision of His purposes and ready to jump off and connect. We have been stalled at one stop way longer than is comfortable or comforting....He is the engine to get us moving (even while looking back with love and memories) onto the next station. Ticket has been bought and paid for ... we just take the halting but decisive steps to go forward.

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