
Sunday, July 21, 2019


                             "from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together
                                   by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper
                                   working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body
                                   for the building up of itself in love."
                                                              Ephesians 4:16                 
                                                                        "THE CHAIR"
With the passing of four generations of babies,
 held and comforted in the chair's strong arms  
 and squishy cushions, it became shabby and sad 
 looking. Until, toward the twilight years of it's usefulness,
 a Master Upholsterer saw the value and beauty in the
 tired old chair and restored the fabric of its being,
 timelessly hidden, but deeply etched within its frame.

                     Monica Lawson
Monica is a 79 year old Christian widow, artist, and story teller to four adult children, 13 grandchildren, 15, and soon to be 16  
great -grandchildren. Tender, true-life stories tell of a beloved old chair, exhilarating sailing adventures, whimsical garden friends, and her personal acquaintance with a butterfly named Alice.  The loss of her husband and oldest daughter shook her faith in soul searching stories in her blog.  She has written and taught women's Bible studies - illustrating them with imaginative art. Current residence is an expandable R.V.  encircled by a dense pine forest in Washington state.  Vim and vigor, and faith describe her, 
 "for the building up of itself in love." Ephesians 4:16 

Children and adults will understand The Chair's loyalty, willingness to adjust, and you're never too old to become brand new.
Word count not determined yet
Children's picture book 5-8
Adult nostalgia.  Researching publishers for appropriate venue



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